
'El Don de Rift'

After a successful career in male modelling I decided to throw my hat at the coffee industry. Coffee, starting off as a hobby & passion project quickly turned into an obsession.

I learned all that I could. I had the opportunity to compete in national coffee competitions (not as successful as my modelling) & work within the industry in different areas to learn what I could before diverting my efforts into Rift Coffee.

Apart from coffee I have studied herbal medicine, lived in Spain learning Spanish & obtained countless new hobbies, most recently vintage road bikes & trumpet.

I enjoy all coffee but espresso & filter would be my preference but I do love milky drinks too!

P.S - due to increased questions about my modelling career, that was a joke.



Cian Manning, Cork boi…


My name is Katarzyna Wieczorkiewicz, but it's easier to call me Kate. I come from Gdańsk, Poland but I have been walking the three Shannon bridges since 2008.

I enjoy preparing healthy plant based foods, especially desserts as I have a real sweet tooth. Luckily, I also like staying fit doing my workouts.

Travelling, dancing & hanging out with my boyfriend are some of my favourites. Have I mentioned food? I think so.

I love coffee brewed in a moka pot & espresso, I usually enjoy it black or with plant milk. The only coffee I don't like is bad coffee. 

If I could have a super power I'd like to fly.

'In a world full of people only some want to fly, ain't that crazy?' (Seal - "Crazy")'